Playhouse Northwest Acting School

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Playhouse Northwest (PHNW) trains actors who aspire to work professionally. The acting company is made up of people who all trained together and work alike.

Our Mission:

To inspire and elevate the craft of acting.

Our Goal:

To have our students train in a way that allows them to live truthfully in imaginary circumstances. We train from the inside-out perspective through an improvisational approach. The training consists of a progression with beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels of work.

We offer uninterrupted and demanding year-round training for our students. They move through the training at their own pace. Students do need to practice outside of class. This is the homework. Progress depends on the amount of time and dedication students put into their practice.

We believe this training will serve as a solid foundation for your entire acting career. We strive to be the company for the working actor and for those who aspire to work on their craft.

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