
Important: We only maintain records for Harvard College, Radcliffe College (prior to 1999), SEAS, and Harvard Griffin GSAS. If you attended a different school within Harvard, you must order a transcript directly from your school.

Other Harvard Schools – Order a Transcript

If you attended a different school within Harvard, please visit your Registrar's Office website to order a transcript:

Request your transcript

Your transcript will include information about your academic career at Harvard College, Harvard Griffin GSAS, or Radcliffe, including the classes you took and your academic performance.

Official transcripts

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences has partnered with Parchment to issue official transcripts. You can order your transcript 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and you can track the status of your order online at any time.

Unofficial transcripts


If you graduated after 1981, you can obtain an unofficial PDF version of your transcript.

Step 1: Log into my.harvard with your HUID and PIN or HarvardKey.

Step 2: Click on the Alumni tab. From there you can download an unofficial transcript.

Additional information:

Current Students

Current Harvard College and Harvard Griffin GSAS students can view and download unofficial transcripts through my.harvard.

Disable your pop-up blocker: An active pop-up blocker will prevent you from opening your unofficial transcript. Learn how to disable your pop-up blocker.

Interpret your transcript

The guides below provide point of reference to determine a student's individual performance within the context of their academic career.

Rate of Work

Beginning with the 2015–2016 academic year, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) adopted a new credit system which provides credits based on the length of each course:

Prior to 2015–2016, FAS courses were evaluated as either full courses or half courses:

The normal rate of work for courses prior to 2015–2016 is the equivalent of 16 credits (four half courses) each term or 32 credits (four full courses) per year. FAS does not grant additional credit for laboratory or discussion sections.

Rate of work, Impact on Financial Aid and Federal Reporting: The standard rate of work for Harvard College student is 16 credits per term, although Harvard College considers all undergraduates to be full-time even when eligible for fewer credits. If you enroll in fewer than 12 credits, it may impact your eligibility for Federal and State funding and result in adjustments to the financial aid amount. Further, the University may be required to report to the federal government the number of students who are taking fewer than 12 credits as part-time. For inquiries about Financial Aid, please contact the Financial Aid office at

Course levels

General Courses

Number Primary Group
1–99 Undergraduates (lower group)
100–199 Undergraduates and graduates (middle group)
200–299 Graduates (upper group)
300–399 Graduate courses of reading and research (upper group)

Economics, Government, History, Psychology, and Religion courses

Number Primary Group
1–999 Undergraduates (lower group)
1000–1999 Undergraduates and graduates (middle group)
2000–2999 Graduates (upper group)
3000–3999 Graduate courses of reading and research (upper group)


Symbol Description
hf Half course extending through the year
S Course taken in summer school
# Grade was filed late on account of a makeup examination or extension of time granted by the Administrative Board after 1969
r Course may be repeated for credit
1 Indicates term
QR Abbreviation for Quantitative Reasoning
ex Indicates excused from the final examination as an Honors candidate taking general examinations, and the adjacent grade shows the quality of work up to the final examination. Bracketed grades without the accompanying symbol "ex" indicate that the course does not count toward the undergraduate degree.
EXC Graduate students may be excused from a final examination or other course assignment by their division, department, or committee chairs on the basis of having passed departmental examinations or other requirements.
[ ] Bracketed - does not count towards degree
EXT Extension of time granted (undergraduate students only)
INC Incomplete (graduate students only)
WD Indicates permission to withdraw from the course without completing requirements and without credit for the course.
GNR Grade not reported for a course taken by cross-registration.
SUS Means that the full course was suspended at midyear without credit.
^^^ Grade is pending
~ Indicates that a current semester course is currently in progress
* Indicates that a full-year course is currently in progress
MKP Approved for Makeup Exam - Pending Final Grade
MK2 Second Approval for Makeup Exam - Pending Final Grade


Grading System

Before 1950 Since 1950
B A-
C B+
E B-

Satisfactory and Passing Grades

Grade Description
B- and above Honors grades
C- and above Satisfactory grades
D+, D, D- Unsatisfactory but passing grades

Non-Letter Grades

Passing Grade Description
CR Credit
PA Pass (D- or higher)
SAT Satisfactory (C- or higher for undergraduate students; B- or higher for graduate students)
SEM Satisfactory; used in emergency circumstances
Failing Grade Description
NCR No credit
ABS Absent from final examination and failure in the course
UNS Unsatisfactory
UEM Unsatisfactory; used in emergency circumstances
EXLD, EXL Excluded

Grade Point Averages

GPA Scale

Beginning in September 2003, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences moved to the 4-point scale. Grade Point Averages reported on the transcript for students entering Harvard College in September 2003 are based on the 4-point scale.

Grade Value
A 4.00
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3.00
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2.00
C- 1.67
D+ 1.33
D 1.00
D- 0.67
E 0.00
FL 0.00
ABS 0.00
NCR 0.00
UNS 0.00
EXLD 0.00

The transcript for continuing students in attendance as of September 2003 reports both Annual Rank (based on the 15-point scale) and Grade Point Averages (based on the 4-point scale) for the semesters the student attended prior to September 2003.

15 point scale to GPA Conversion Chart

15 point scale Letter Grade Grade Point Rank
15 A 4.00 I
14 A- 3.67 I
12 B+ 3.33 II
11 B 3.00 III
10 B- 2.67 III
8 C+ 2.33 IV
7 C 2.00 V
6 C- 1.67 V
4 D+ 1.33 VI
3 D 1.00 VI
2 D- 0.67 VI

Additional Radcliffe College transcript information

As of July 1, 1966, the FAS Registrar's Office certifies transcripts for alumni of Radcliffe College. Beginning with the academic year 1962, the Radcliffe College A.B. or S.B. degree awarded to you is conferred upon you by Harvard University. The S.B. degree program is accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology.

Additional GSAS transcript information

Minimum Standard

The minimum standard for satisfactory work is a B average in each academic year.

Incomplete Grades (INC)

Grade Point Averages

Graduate students who cross register into another Harvard School should refer to that school's transcript legend for information about their Grading System.

Additional Harvard College transcript information

Undergraduate rank list

From 1966 through August 2003, rather than assigning individual rank in class to students, Harvard College placed undergraduates in one of six Rank List Groups at the end of each academic year. Prior to 1966, Harvard College used various rules to define rank list, though the overall approach was quite similar.

Grade Point Averages

Important: Please note that transcript orders placed between the last day of a full-term course and the grade release date may not display current term grades and GPA.

Undergraduate rank list values

To calculate the undergraduate rank list, Harvard College assigned the twelve categories of letter grades numerical equivalents on a fifteen- point scale. (See Grade Point Averages under Interpret your transcript).

Minimum Requirements for Rank List Groups

Rank List Group Minimum Requirements
Group I A- average
Group II B+ average
Group III B- average
Group IV C+ average
Group V C- average
Group VI Any grade average below C
INS Record incomplete

Dean's List

Any student whose cumulative or annual Rank List Group is I, II, or III with a satisfactory record is placed on the Dean’s List during the following term.

John Harvard and Harvard College Scholarships

Students whose annual Rank List Group is I or II at the end of a full-time academic year are awarded an honorary, non-stipendiary scholarship:

Students of the sophomore, junior, and senior classes in the top 5% of their respective classes will be designated John Harvard Scholars, based on the grade point average of the previous academic year. Students of the sophomore, junior, and senior classes in the top 10% of their respective classes who are not designated John Harvard Scholars will be designated Harvard College Scholars (if not already selected as a John Harvard Scholar). In years when John Harvard Scholars comprise 10% or more of classes due to ties, there are no Harvard College Scholars designated.

A student’s annual GPA will still be used to determine these awards, and to be eligible students must complete the full year, and be in good academic and disciplinary standing. Announcements will be sent out by mid-November.

Academic Year 2022 - 2023

The GPA cutoff for these honorary scholarships are as follows:

John Harvard Scholarship GPA Cutoffs:

Harvard College Scholarship: none designated