CAPITAL INCREASE AGREEMENT. The Capital Increase was approved at the meeting of the board of Directors of the Company held on 29 July 2020. The Company entered into the Capital Increase Agreement with the existing shareholders of Xiapu Nuclear, being Huaneng Nuclear, HIPDC, China Nuclear, Fujian Funeng and Ningde Investment. Major terms of the Capital Increase Agreement are as follows:

CAPITAL INCREASE AGREEMENT. As soon as practicable but in no event later than ninety (90) days after the Closing or such other later date as agreed by holders of at least sixty percent (60%) of the then issued and outstanding Series B Preferred Shares, the Warrantors shall cause the Beijing Subsidiary to enter into a capital increase agreement with XXX Xxxxxxx (汉雨生), in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Investor, pursuant to which the XXX Xxxxxxx (汉雨生) agrees to purchase certain percentage of equity interest of the Beijing Subsidiary (such purchase, the “Capital Increase”), and immediately after the Capital Increase and the Equity Adjustment (as defined below), the shareholding percentage in the Beijing Subsidiary of XXX Xxxxxxx (汉雨生) in aggregate shall be equivalent to the then shareholding percentage in the Company of the Shares held indirectly by XXX Xxxxxxx (汉雨生) through the Holding Entity plus the Shares reserved under the Option Plan.

CAPITAL INCREASE AGREEMENT. On 3 September 2021, Guangzhou Merchants, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, entered into the Capital Increase Agreement with Excellence Dongguan and the Project Company for the increase in the registered capital of the Project Company. The principal terms of the Capital Increase Agreement are set out below:

CAPITAL INCREASE AGREEMENT. On 1 November 2017, CMSK, Happy City, and Shenzhen Merchants entered into the Capital Increase Agreement, pursuant to which CMSK and Shenzhen Merchants shall make Additional Capital Contribution of RMB4,900,000,000 and RMB5,100,000,000, respectively to Nanjing Merchants. Prior to the completion of the Additional Capital Contribution, Nanjing Merchants is owned as to 49% and 51% respectively by CMSK and Happy City, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. Major terms of the Capital Increase Agreement are summarised below. Date of Capital Increase Agreement 1 November 2017 Parties

CAPITAL INCREASE AGREEMENT. On 11 April 2023 (after trading hours), Inspur Group, Inspur Software, Inspur General (an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company) and the JV Company entered into the Capital Increase Agreement, pursuant to which Inspur Group, Inspur Software and Inspur General agreed to make further capital contribution to the JV Company in the total sum of RMB 1.1 billion. Pursuant to the Capital Increase Agreement, Inspur Group, Inspur Software, and Inspur General have agreed to make a capital contribution in cash of RMB 600 million, RMB 200 million and RMB 200 million, respectively, to the registered capital of the JV Company and a capital contribution in cash of RMB 60 million, RMB 20 million and RMB 20 million, respectively, to the capital reserves of the JV Company. Following the completion of the Capital Increase, the registered capital of the JV Company will be increased from RMB 1 billion to RMB 2 billion, and the shareholding structure of the JV Company will remain unchanged and will continue to be held by Inspur Group, Inspur Software and Inspur General as to 60%, 20% and 20%, respectively. Date

CAPITAL INCREASE AGREEMENT. Date 30 June 2014 Parties CAPITAL INCREASE AGREEMENT. Date 30 December 2019 Parties

CAPITAL INCREASE AGREEMENT. On 27 October 2011, the Board approved the proposal of entering into the Capital Increase Agreement by the five wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Company with COSCO, its eight subsidiaries and COSCO Finance on or around 15 November 2011 in order to increase the registered capital of COSCO Finance from RMB800 million to RMB1,600 million. The Company and its subsidiaries will contribute a total of RMB306 million. Upon completion of the proposed capital increase, the total equity interest held by the Group in COSCO Finance will remain 38.25% and hence COSCO Finance will still be an associate of the Company. COSCO is the controlling shareholder of the Company. Therefore, COSCO and its subsidiaries are connected persons of the Company for the purposes of Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. Accordingly, the transactions contemplated under the Capital Increase Agreement constitute connected transactions of the Company. As one or more of the applicable percentage ratios in respect of transactions contemplated under the Capital Increase Agreement exceed 0.1% but are less than 5%, such transactions are subject to the reporting and announcement requirements, but are exempt from the independent shareholders’ approval requirement under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.

CAPITAL INCREASE AGREEMENT. On 13 June 2023, Datang Renewables HK and Datang Yunnan entered into the Capital Increase Agreement in relation to, among other things, the capital contribution by the parties in the sum of RMB172,561,356 to Dayao New Energy in proportion to their respective shareholdings in Dayao New Energy to meet the needs of Dayao New Energy for the development of Dayao Dapingdi Phase II Photovoltaic Project. Upon completion of the Capital Increase, the parties’ respective shareholding ratios in Dayao New Energy shall remain unchanged. The major terms of the Capital Increase Agreement are as follows: Date 13 June 2023 Parties