Premarital Course Providers

As authorized by Chapter 741, the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit maintains a roster of area premarital preparation course providers. In order to be added to the roster, please read over the instructions listed below and send in a complete application packet to the Administrative Office of the Court.

Qualified Instructors

Under Chapter 741 of the Florida Statutes, an instructor is qualified to teach the Premarital Preparation Course if he or she is one of the following:

  1. A psychologist licensed under Chapter 490;
  2. A clinical social worker licensed under Chapter 491;
  3. A marriage and family therapist licensed under Chapter 491;
  4. A mental health counselor licensed under Chapter 491;
  5. An official representative of a religious institution which is recognized under
    s. 496.404(19), if the representative has relevant training;
  6. A school counselor certified to offer premarital preparation courses

Course Requirements

Curriculum Standards

The premarital preparation course may include instruction regarding:

  1. Conflict management
  2. Communication skills
  3. Financial responsibilities
  4. Children and parenting responsibilities
  5. Data compiled from available information relating to problems reported by married couples who seek marriage or individual counseling

Certificates of Completion

Each premarital preparation course provider shall furnish each participant who completes the course with a certificate of completion specifying the name of the participant, the date of completion and whether the course was conducted by personal instruction, videotape instruction, instruction via electronic medium, or by a combination of these methods.

Registration Forms

Each provider shall provide to the Clerk's Office sufficient registration forms which outline the name of the program, telephone number, cost, frequency of classes, number of locations, and whether the classes are provided in languages other than English. In cases where the classes are available in languages other than English, the registration form shall list the specific languages offered. The Clerk will distribute only information relevant to registration. General information and pamphlets that outline a provider's general services will not be included.


Each participant shall be provided a written evaluation of the seminar at its conclusion. These evaluations shall be retained by the provider for a period of one year and shall be available to the court for inspection.


On or before November 1st of each year, each program shall submit a written report to the court which shall include the following information:

  1. Number of participants who attended during the year;
  2. Enhancements to the program during the year;
  3. Copies of any new handouts or materials;
  4. Other changes that have increased the program's adaptability to the Community needs;
  5. A summary of the evaluations for the preceding year.

To Register

Please submit Registration Affidavit Form to via email along with the following documentation:

  1. A copy of the Premarital Preparation course materials used by the provider.
  2. A schedule of fees (the schedule should indicate whether the provider will offer the course or a sliding fee scale or for free to those who qualify).


Premarital Registration
List of Premarital Course Providers [updated: May 9, 2024]