Business Licensing

The City of Moscow licenses certain business but does not have a general business license. Scroll down to see which services do require a license. Should you have questions, please call the appropriate division listed. Contact information is listed to the right. The Moscow Police Department also processes dog and bicycle licenses. Forms must be completed in-person at the Moscow Police Department.

Alcohol Beverage License - Alcohol Catering Permit

In order to serve alcohol at a party, festival, reception, convention, or other special event an alcohol catering permit must be applied for and approved through the City. An Alcohol Catering Permit authorizes any business holding a valid alcohol license to serve at a location other than at the licensed premises. A licensee is only permitted to serve the type of alcohol for which they are licensed (i.e. beer and wine license to serve beer and/or wine or liquor license to serve hard alcohol). The cost of the Alcohol Catering Permit is $20.00. The application should be received by the City Clerk’s office no later than 3 days prior to the event which allows time for Police and Fire Departments approval. An application form is available for printing on the right side of this page and includes the requirements needed for the license. An online form is also available. Catering permits are processed through the Office of the City Clerk.

Alcohol Beverage License - Beer, Wine and Liquor

An alcohol beverage license is required to sell wine, beer and/or liquor within the City limits. Applications can be found on the right side of this page and may also be picked up from the City Administration office, 206 E 3rd St, Room 303. Prior to submitting applications, please call the Office of the City Clerk to confirm appropriate fees. Applications require a site plan, a copy of the State of Idaho license, and a copy of the Latah County license, and may require additional documentation. Please see the following Moscow City Code sections for regulations, including detailed requirements for the site plan. Alcohol licenses are processed through the Office of the City Clerk.

Circus, Tent Shows, Amusement

A license is required for conducting circuses and/or merry-go-rounds. The application form is available on the right side of this page and includes the requirements needed for the license and a fee is charged. These licenses are processed through the Office of the City Clerk.

Daycare Facility

Any business, place of business, home, residence, or establishment which provides day care. For more information on types of facilities, review the Day Care Ordinance within Moscow City Code Title 9, Chapter 10. The application form is available on the right side of this page and includes the requirements needed for the license and a fee is charged. Applications may also be picked up at the Moscow Community Development Department. Daycare facilities are processed through the Building Safety Division.

Daycare Staff

Every individual who provides day care at a day care facility must apply for a daycare provider license. This is an annual license and is renewable. The applications are available on the right side of this page and each application includes the requirements needed for the license. A fee is charged. Applications may also be picked up at the Moscow Police Department. (Moscow City Code Title 9, Chapter 10). Daycare provider licenses are processed through the Moscow Police Department.

Peddlers, Solicitors, Canvassers

Any individual wishing to go from place to place within the City to sell, take order for, offers to sell, or seek contributions must apply for a peddler, solicitor or canvasser registration. This is an annual license and is renewable. The application forms are available on the right side of this page and include the requirements needed for the license. A fee is charged. Applications may also be picked up at the Moscow Police Department. (Moscow City Code Title 9, Chapter 3). Peddler, Solicitor and Canvasser licenses are processed through the Moscow Police Department.

Secondhand Dealers and Pawn Brokers

A license is required for individuals operating a business as a pawnbroker and/or secondhand dealer. To determine whether your business falls into the definition of pawnbroker and/or secondhand dealer, review Moscow City Code Title 9, Chapter 4. This is an annual license and is renewable. The application forms are available on the right side of this page and include the requirements needed for the license. A fee is charged. Applications may also be picked up at the Moscow Police Department. Secondhand Dealer and Pawn Broker licenses are processed through the Moscow Police Department.

Sidewalk Cafes

An eating and/or drinking establishment within the Central Business Zoning District wishing to serve on public right-of-way adjacent to their business is required to apply for a Sidewalk Cafe License. An application is required and includes a site plan, insurance coverage, and a fee. Additional information may be required. City Staff will review the site plan and inspect the location to ensure the required provisions for pedestrian traffic and other uses of the public rights-of-way are met. The application is listed on the right side of this page or may be picked up at the City Administration office, 206 E 3rd St, Room 303. Sidewalk cafe licenses are processed through the Office of the City Clerk.

Taxicab, Pedicab , Carriage

Taxicab, pedicab, and carriage service is any vehicle used for transporting people for compensation. Taxicab service in Moscow is regulated and requires a license for both the business and each driver. (Moscow CIty Code Title 9, Chapter 5). Taxi-related licenses are processed through the Moscow Police Department.


The owner of a taxicab, pedicab or carriage service must license the business and each vehicle. Vehicle inspections, insurance and fees are required. This annual application is renewal and the forms are listed on the right side of this page or may be picked up at the Moscow Police Department.


An individual authorized to operate, drive or staff a vehicle through the streets and alleys of Moscow must apply for a license. This includes the owner of the business. Additional information is required as well as a background check. This annual application is renewal and the forms are listed on the right side of this page or may be picked up at the Moscow Police Department.


Any individual intending to sell goods, wares merchandise and/or services on the public right-of-way is required to apply for a license. Additional information is required including a background check and a valid driver's license or other DMV approved identification. This is an annual license and is renewable. The application forms are available on the right side of this page and include additional information for the license. A fee is charged. The application may also be picked up at the Moscow Police Department. To view the full regulation for vending, please visit Moscow City Code Title 9, Chapter 11. Vending licenses are processed through the Moscow Police Department.