Dealer Feedback Survey Template

Dealer Feedback Survey Template by QuestionPro is designed with questions to gather feedback from dealers about the products/services they are associated with. This sample survey template consists of different types of questions that help a dealer fill out appropriate information regarding their association with a third party organization, what sort of dealership they follow, what is the financials associated with it and much more.

This is a comprehensive survey template which enables an organization gets complete dealer information to make dealer network stronger.

Overall, how confident are you that (company) will gain additional market share in the (product) industry in the coming year?

Very confident Somewhat confident Somewhat doubtful Very doubtful What was the range of your dealership's sales volume of (company) products last year? $250,000 - $499,000 $500,000 - $999,000 $1,000,000 - $2,999,000 $3,000,000 - $4,999,000 $5,000,000 - $9,999,000 $10,000,000 - $19,999,000 $20,000,000 or more How long have you been a (company) dealer?
How much of your business volume is accounted for by (company) products? 24% or less 75% or more How much of your profit is derived from (company) products?
24% or less 75% or more Which of the following (company) product lines do you fully support at this time? Compared to (market leader), how does (your product) offer advantages in selling situations? Strong advantage Slight advantage About the same Slight disadvantage Strong disadvantage Compared to (market leader), how does (your product) offer advantages in profitability?
Strong advantage Slight advantage About the same Slight disadvantage Strong disadvantage

Compared to (market leader), how does (your product) offer advantages in service and supplies business?

Strong advantage Slight advantage About the same Slight disadvantage Strong disadvantage Which product line do you see as offering a stronger competitive position to (company) dealers?
Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Competitor 3 Competitor 4

Overall, have actions taken by (company) senior sales and marketing management over the past year that had an impact one way or another on your business?

Very positive impact Positive impact Somewhat positive impact Somewhat negative impact Negative impact Very negative impact Describe which actions had the greatest impact on your business, and why:

Which of the following best describes the influence you feel you have with (company) senior management?

A lot of influence Some influence Very little influence No influence

On average, which of the following best describes (company) management's timeliness in response to your requests and inquiries?

Very timely Somewhat timely Somewhat slow

Which of the following administrative areas would you say presents the greatest opportunity for improvement?

Order processing Inventory tracking Billing and credits

Compared with your investment support level in your (company) business this year, what are your investment support plans for next year?

Greatly increase support Increase support Maintain same level of support Decrease support Greatly decrease support

Please tell us why you answered the way you did about your investment support plans for your (company) business for next year:

What suggestions do you have for (company) senior management which would help you improve the success of your (company) business next year?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

Why conduct Dealer Feedback Survey?

Best Uses of Dealer Feedback Survey

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